Monday, October 5, 2009

New and Improved...I Hope.

Hello there faithful blog readers! Oh wait...there probably aren't any of you left since I have not been blogging in quite some time. OK then - Welcome new and improved blog readers!!

I have been struggling for quite some time with how to change the direction of my blog. In the beginning, my blog started out as a way to update extended family and faraway friends with the antics of our kids, family outings, and in general fun stuff that I thought people would find interesting. Riveting stuff, huh? Well, not anymore.

Although my blog will still have certain little stories and anecdotes about our kids and our life together, I am going to shift the focus a bit. To me. All about me. I am giddy with excitement.

You see, it's not that I don't enjoy spinning a good yarn about my little rugrats. Or sharing pictures and video of the happenings in our lives. But I need more than that. I have lots to say and I need a place to say it. I am going to join the millions of other narccassistic creative people out there in blog land and get my 2 cents in.

You may not always agree with me (I can't imagine why - my perfection and intellect have long been the stuff of legends). My hope is that somewhere along the way you will gain a different perspective from having been invited into the inner workings of my mind. Or not. I'm going to be putting it out there on the "interwebs" whether you want to read it or not.
Which begs the question - can you handle it? I hope so.
Much love and here's to a happy week,


Myeloman said...

I like the "new Veronica" so far, should I update Veronica in the closet?

Your Faithful Reader said...

Yeah! So glad you're back. Although, I have to tell you the yellow font landed in my feed reader & I couldn't read a word of it.
I miss you guys. Look forward to your meanderings...