Saturday, July 11, 2009

Anniversary Pics!

A good friend of ours, Dale Chumbley, agreed to take some anniversary pics for us this year. Unfortunately, we had no way of knowing that the day we chose to meet and get it done would be the hottest day of the year so far. It was closer to (if not over) 100 degrees that day. And further "planning genius" led to us meeting at 2pm.

I still think I got a touch of heat stroke after walking around taking pics for an hour or so. Poor Mitch, who wasn't "loving" taking pictures anyway, and was trying "not to sweat", but he wasn't very successful.

Even though it wasn't the best of circumstances, we had a fun time and managed to get some good pictures out of the deal. Here are just a few of the shots that we got - we are looking forward to many more years of anniversaries, but the next time we take pictures, I think there will have to be an understanding that it won't be in the middle of a heat wave. :-)

Once in awhile, right in the middle of an ordinary life, love gives us a fairy tale.
Author Unknown

1 comment:

"T" said...

It looks like Mitch did a good job not sweating!! Great pictures! : )