Saturday, March 21, 2009

Lexi Turns 6!!

On March 12th, our little Lexi celebrated her 6th Birthday! And what a year it has been! We can't believe how fast our baby girl is growing up - it seems like only yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital.

Lexi has had a great year. She finished up pre-school last year and started Kindergarten this past fall. She loves school and is doing well with reading and writing. What she is apparently NOT fond of is discussing her "feelings".

She has told us repeatedly that she does not like it when Miss Julie comes to class and they talk about feelings. We don't have the full story yet (conferences are next week) but from what we can gather, Miss Julie comes in and the kids discuss different scenarios and how to handle them. This past Monday they covered "sad", "mad" and "frust-er-ated" according to Lexi. She did not at all approve and wanted to know WHY she had to sit and listen to Miss Julie for "5 hours" on Mondays. Considering that she's only in school for less than 3 hours, I am not sure how that works, but whatever.

Bottom line - reading & writing OK in Lexi's book. Talking about feelings, not so much.

She continues to surprise me with her understanding of all things adult. I need to work on censoring myself more. Recently on the way to school in the morning, I had a not-so-pleasant mirror put in my face. Mitch had borrowed my car and readjusted and seats, mirrors, cup holders, floor mats, etc. (You get the picture - he completely jacked up my ride!) I was fiddling with everything trying to get it fixed. I apparently exhibited some "fruster-a-tion" and all of a sudden from Lexi in the backseat I hear, "Oh that Mitchell!" in the same exasperated tone that I so often use.

It was pretty funny, but also reminded me that I am indeed having some impact on how she sees the world. And I better make darn sure she's learning the lessons I want her to, and not the ones she sneaks on her own.

I hope that this year will be as fun and funny for her as the last year was. She is a sweet little girl with a heart of gold. She can also be a drama queen with rage that knows no bounds. Whatever she is, or ends up being, she will always be our little girl and we love her to the moon and back!!

Happy Birthday Lexi Noodle!!!

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