Thursday, September 18, 2008

Like sands through the hourglass, so are the days of our Nation...

Recently while watching TV on ABC I caught a glimpse of a bump into and out of a show preview which declared next week "National Stay at Home Week". I thought it a little odd, having never heard of such an animal before, so I took it upon myself to research it further.

Turns out that ABC has decided to make up said observance. It has nothing to do with the nation and our well-being. Rather it has to do with ABC putting it out there as a concept to "stay home" for your entertainment. On their website they state that they have declared the holiday because, "Times are tough! Stay at home and watch ABC television!"

I am so glad that ABC is thinking about little ole' me and my struggles with the increasing costs of day to day living.
Gas prices got you down? Stay in to catch "Dancing with the Stars!"

Soaring food prices stretching your family budget? Eat at home, then do little couch time watching ABC...maybe "Grey's Anatomy."

Call me cynical, but a major network declaring a "National Week" of any kind seems presumptuous. To do so during the first week of the new fall TV season just seems contrived and insulting to my intelligence.

I think I'll stick to observances that really are proclaimed by our President. Real stuff that means something in the grand scheme of it all.

And with that, I give you "Constitution Week", September 17th through the 23rd. Enjoy it and reflect on one of the greatest documents ever written. (Next to this blog, of course)

Lest you doubt me, here's the actual proclamation:

From the U.S. Code Online via GPO Access[]

[Laws in effect as of January 3, 2006][CITE: 36USC108]


Subtitle I--Patriotic and National Observances and Ceremonies

Part A--Observances and Ceremonies


The President is requested to issue each year a proclamation--

(1) designating September 17 through September 23 as Constitution Week; and

(2) inviting the people of the United States to observe Constitution Week, in schools, churches, and other suitable places, with appropriate ceremonies and activities.

(Pub. L. 105-225, Aug. 12, 1998, 112 Stat. 1256.)

Historical and Revision Notes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Revised Section Source (U.S. Code) Source (Statutes at Large)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------108................................... 36:159. Aug. 2, 1956, ch. 875, 70 Stat. 932.

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