That is apparently the question!
I was talking with a friend of mine at a play date today and I asked what she thought of the new blog - she said she liked it. Then again, what else is she going to say? "I hate it. You're a boring self-absorbed lunatic!" That would probably be a conversation stopper...anyway - the question I have been asking myself lately is what are the limits? What do you blog about? How much do you blog? WHY do you blog?
I really don't know all the answers yet. I started this blog as a replacement to our family website that I designed and published last year. We have friends and relatives with whom we wanted to keep in touch with in a "non-obtrusive" sort of way. It was like a monthly "Christmas Letter" type of update, if you will.
Now that I am entering into the world of more "hard-core" blogging, I am seeing that it may have benefits and usage far beyond what I first imagined.
For example, I have seen the following usage for blogs that I have perused:
1) A blog is the perfect "passive-aggressive" way to call out your relatives. Your mother-in-law makes you mad? Write a clever little entry about your "MIL" and her hysterics! Your husband does something unusually stupid, blog it out! Your kids driving you nuts, blog, blog, blog!
2) A blog can be a way to put your political views out for the world to see. If you are an "Obama Mama", say so!! If you love McCain, dust off your walker and give him a shout out! (OK...that was a little bit of a low blow....sorry all you right-wingers!)
3) A blog can be used to sell stuff. Seriously. People are using their blogs as a way to create revenue. Although I still can't for the life of me figure out who I would want to sponsor my blog.
Brought to you by "'Sally's Straitjacket Emporium".
Napa Merlot - it's not just for play dates anymore!!
Buy your tickets now! This bus to crazy town leaves in 10 minutes!
4) A blog can be used to give the world a better view into your life. Really. A BETTER view! Not the real view...because really, who would want to read about your REAL life. Your blog can be a way to live out the fantasies that reside in all of our minds anyway.
In my mind, my house is always clean and my kids are all angels.
Clearly, I need medication to stop the delusions.
I guess I will just figure things out as I go along. I am not sure the direction that I am going, but I can say this: I will NOT be venting about my family on here. Like a moron, I actually told them where the blog was and send them updates to it!
I will not be venting about the stupid things my husband does. That's what the daily phone calls to my BFF are for.
I won't be getting on my political soapbox and trying to convert anyone to any political stance. All I would ask is that you VOTE. How you vote is your own business.
I won't be selling anything. Unless there's a retail demand for "Chaos", in which case, we have a whole a**load of it for sale here!
Maybe someday I'll get it figured out...in the meantime, stay tuned. Who knows when I may go and say something FASCINATING! And you wouldn't want to miss that, would you?
1 comment:
I absolutly LOVE your blogs! I check them every morning! It always starts out my day with a laugh! Love, T
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