Thursday, August 28, 2008

Rock the Vote in 2008

Yes. I am going there.

Politics. The great divider of men. The stuff that can cause normal, rational people to lose their ever-loving minds. The topic able to break up relationships over the course of a single election season. Fodder for letters to the editor, water cooler debates, kitchen table conversation.

It's a beautiful, tricky business.

I have a confession to make before I go any further. I was a Political Science major in college. That's right - I enjoyed the stuff enough to dredge my way through 3 1/2 years of school immersed in it. And if I could, I'd go back for more.

So, in many ways, I feel like I have a certain view of politics that may be different than your average bear. Not better, not worse - just different.

In this exciting time, with our 2008 Presidential Election looming large on the horizon, I would like to implore everyone not to vote.

I said it. Don't vote.

Don't vote unless you have thoughtfully considered all candidates.

Don't vote unless you are willing to support whomever may end up in office.

Don't vote if you are easily distracted and influenced by the media machine that preys on our celebrity driven culture.

Don't vote if you are not grateful beyond all get out for the job that our service men and women are doing all over the World for this country.

Don't vote unless you mean it.

I know that my advice not to vote may be taken as a bit extreme or harsh. I had a Political Jurisprudence class at WSU that illustrated how dangerous this opinion of mine is. I barely made it out alive.

We were discussing the apathetic turnout that American voters seem to always produce. My professor made the point, don't we want all Americans to be voting? Isn't that the basis of our very Democracy? Shouldn't everyone who can participate?

I stupidly said, "Oh H*LL no!"

A hush fell over the room as the other students sat stunned. Thankfully the professor asked me to expand on my "articulate" response.

My opinion then is pretty much the same as it is now. We don't want every single person in America to vote. Deep down, we really don't. Too many people vote for the wrong things for the wrong reasons. Too many people vote without careful consideration and reading of the actual words contained in the measures and bonds they are voting for. Too many people are "bumper sticker" voters - prone to popularity contests and media hype.

Really, we don't want these people voting.

If everyone promised to take voting in primaries and elections seriously, then great! Go for it! Make your voice be heard...but if you are going to vote all "willy-nilly" (a direct quote from my classroom debate) then stay home.

Whether you are a Democrat, Republican, Independent, Green, or "Disco" party member, please just vote responsibly. Give it thought. Vote with total conviction and confidence that you are voicing your ideals and supporting the candidates who agree with you.

Don't sit idly by and let all the other "willy-nilly's" chose your destiny. Buy off on the imperfect system and get in the game. It's the least you can do.

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